(English follows)

平成28年度 博士課程研究遂行協力制度の募集について(9月入学者)

これは、理学系研究科の優秀な博士課程学生に対して学業を奨励するとともに、 本研究科の学術研究の



※ (1)、(2)、(4)の様式は こちらからダウンロードできます(Excelファイル)

1)申請書(学術研究遂行協力計画書(様式1)) 3部(原本1部、写し2部)
2)履歴書(所定様式、本人署名、顔写真は不要) 2部(原本1部、写し1部)
3)学生証のコピー(A4用紙にコピー。白黒可)  2部
4)給与の口座振込申出書(所定様式)      2部(原本1部、写し1部)
5)給与所得者の扶養控除等(異動)申告書(所定様式)  2部(原本1部、写し1部)



Doctoral Student Special Scholarship (Kenku-Suiko-Kyoryoku-Seido)
Application Guidelines for Students enrolled in September 2016

This program at the University of Tokyo seeks to encourage excellence in graduate students
by promoting advancement to doctoral courses and doctoral research with monetary support.

Please note that only students who enrolled in a doctoral program in September 2016
are eligible to apply to this scholarship this time.

-Payment period: October 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017.
-Application Period: From September 23, 2016 to September 30, 2016
-Monthly amounts: 50,000JPY

-Application procedures

Application documents may be submitted directly to the department office of Earth and
Planetary Science(Science bldg. #1-8F, room 811)or may be sent via postal mail.
All documents should be prepared in an A4 size paper.

Application forms a) b) d) are here.

 a)Application form 1 (one original and two copies)
 b)CV (one original and one copy)
 c)Copy of student ID card (two copies)
 d)Registration form of bank account (one original and one copy)
 e)Application for exemption for dependents (one original and one copy) designated form


-Payment day: The stipend will be paid around the 17th of the following month.
The first payment day will be November 2016.

-Final report: The final report(form 2) must be submitted to the department office
until March 21st, 2017.