2020年度地球惑星科学専攻修士課程および博士課程 入学ガイダンスについて
2020 Orientation for New students in Master's and Doctoral Course in Earth and Planetary Science

Orienation for new students in School of Science was canceled for prevention against COVID-19.
The documents and materials including student ID card will be distributed as follows.

◆資料の配付/Distribution of materials
 *日時/Date and time:令和2年4月2日(木)/Thursday,April 2,2020
     修士課程入学者/Master's course 13:00~
     博士課程入学者/Doctoral course  15:15~
            Distribution for Master's students are followed by Doctoral students.
                Click here for the distribution time of each student's materials.
*場所/Venue:理学部1号館336号室/Room#336,Faculty of Science Bldg.#1

*配付方法/How to deliver
          Please come to the venue at the designated time for receiving materials
          including student ID.
          Internal students will receive a new student card in exchange for the old one.
          Please leave the venue upon receipt.

      Prevent infectious diseases such as hand washing, hand disinfection, and
     wearing a mask.
     If you have fever or cold symptoms, please refrain from attending school and
    observe the situation.

 地球惑星科学専攻事務室 教務担当
   Office of the Department of Earth and Planetary Science
   電話番号:03-5841-4501、4502(直通)/ tel:03-5841-4501,4502(Dial in)
   e-mail: gakumu-eps.s@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp