English follows Japanese.
○Japanese and English: 東京大学の科学研究行動規範(平成27年4発行)
○Japanese and English: 研究倫理綱領(平成22年9月15日 理学系研究科教授会制定)
Japanese and English: 誓約書
Material to be read before attending Lecture on Research Ethics
As stated in the syllabus for the lecture on “Research Ethics” on UT-mate,
students are expected to have downloaded and read both of the following documents
(in either English or Japanese) before attending the lecture.
○Japanese and English: Code of Conduct for Research (The University of Tokyo, April 2015)
○Japanese and English: Code of Research Ethics (School of Science, September 15, 2010)
While attending the lecture students will be asked to sign the following statement affirming
that they have read and understood the above two documents, and agree to observe the
rules and ideals therein.
Japanese and English: Affirmation